Course Syllabi and related projects

Intervention with Atypical Infants and Toddlers (0-3)

Sped 426/626


course syllabus

Course Project:
Child & Family Assessment Project


The developmental checklist was a product of observations guided by normal growth and development research.

Purpose: To develop a beginning understanding of normal child growth and development of children from birth to age three.

Course Project:
Child & Family Assessment Poster Project

This project was adopted to expand student scholarship skills and prepare them for graduate studies, teaching, administrative and leadership roles.

Undergrad Presentation (426): Student was enrolled in the Dual General and Early Childhood Special Education Teacher Cooperative Program at the system campuses in Eau Claire and River Falls.

Undergrad Presentation (426): Student was enrolled in the Dual General and Early Childhood Special Education Teacher Cooperative Program at the system campuses in Eau Claire and River Falls.

Graduate Student Presentation (626): Practicing teacher enrolled in the graduate studies program leading to a Masters Degree and teacher certification in ECSE .

Graduate Student Presentation (626): Practicing teacher enrolled in the graduate studies program leading to a Masters Degree and teacher certification in ECSE .