Thursday, Jan. 18
3–4 p.m. ET

How Social Interactions Build Brains for Language Learning

Did you know that back-and-forth interactions can change the brain? In this BabyTalks webinar, learn about what this means for infant and toddler language development. Join Beth Zack, PhD, and Becky Sughrim, MEd, from the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL) to explore the latest research on the brain-building power of social interactions for language development. Discover strategies based on brain science for fostering infant and toddler language development. This webinar is offered with English and Spanish captioning.



Thursday, Feb. 1
3–4 p.m. ET

Noticing and Nurturing Curiosity and Joyful Learning with Infants and Toddlers

Infant and toddler educators are researchers, watching closely and listening carefully to predict what will engage young children as learners. We then tinker with the learning environment and our interactions to deepen their learning. In this webinar, explore your role as teacher, researcher, and tinkerer. We discuss strategies that draw from the curiosity of children fostering joyful teaching and learning. This webinar is offered with English and Spanish captioning.



Tuesday, Feb. 13
3–4 p.m. ET

Teach, Assess, Adjust to Support Highly Individualized Instruction

A key goal of inclusive programs is to be aware of areas where each child has individual learning needs and match the type and amount of instruction we provide. This takes careful planning and happens through an ongoing process of providing individualized instruction, collecting data on how a child responds, and making data-informed decisions about how to adjust the level of support so the child can keep learning. Head Start programs call this ongoing cycle Teach-Assess-Adjust. Join us to explore how disabilities services coordinators can help education staff to use the Teach-Assess-Adjust process to use highly individualized instruction. Discover resources, including a new mobile app, that can support ongoing use of the cycle. This webinar is offered with English and Spanish captioning.



Tuesday, Feb. 20
3–4 p.m. ET

2024 Dual Language Learner Celebration Week

Join the Office of Head Start, NCECDTL, and the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement virtually for Dual Language Learner (DLL) Celebration Week! Typically scheduled in the third week of February, this annual celebration is all about children who are DLLs and their families.



Wednesday, March 6
3–4 p.m. ET

Promoting Language Development for Children Who Are DLLs [in Spanish]

Early learning programs serve children and families from more diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds every day. To meet each child’s unique needs, it is important to have the knowledge, apply the research, and use responsive practices that support the individual needs of all children. In this Conexiones webinar, explore the brain's role in supporting children who are dual language learners and the cognitive benefits of bilingualism. Explore strategies and resources for children who are learning and speaking more than one language. This webinar is presented in Spanish and offered with English and Spanish captioning.



Thursday, March 7
3–4 p.m. ET

Noticing and Nurturing Curiosity and Joy in Preschool

Preschool educators are researchers, watching closely and listening carefully to predict what will engage children as learners. We then tinker with the learning environment and our interactions to deepen their learning. In this webinar, explore your role as teacher, researcher, and tinkerer. We discuss strategies that draw from the curiosity of children fostering joyful teaching and learning. This webinar is offered with English and Spanish captioning.



Wednesday, March 20
3–4 p.m. ET

Responding in the Moment to Behaviors That Challenge Adults

Even when education staff do their best to prevent challenging behavior, child behaviors that challenge adults will likely still occur. Join this webinar to learn about strategies a coachee can use to respond to behavior in the moment that can lessen the likelihood the behavior will escalate. Practice using coaching strategies through a case study based on responding to behavior in the moment. This webinar is offered with English and Spanish captioning.



Thursday, March 21
3–4 p.m. ET

Supporting Preschool Learning with American Sign Language

American Sign Language (ASL) is an expressive, visual language with a rich cultural history and ongoing vibrant community. Learning and using ASL not only benefits preschoolers who are deaf or hard of hearing but children with typical hearing as well. This webinar explores the magic of ASL, its components and culture, and application in educational environments to support all preschoolers. This webinar is offered with English and Spanish captioning.

Council for Exceptional Children-Division for Early Childhood (CEC-DEC)

Ivy S., Hanline, M.F., and Robbins, A., Teaming to Design Tangible Symbolic Communication Systems for Children With Multiple Disabilities. Young Exceptional Children: Vol. 27, No. 2, 2024.

This article affirms our programs teaching standards, goals, evidence based practices, Multi/ Transdisciplinary collaboration focus featuring practices from each discipline to enhance interventions and teaching. Resources related to transdisciplinary practice and role sharing.