training resources

Teacher's Role and Responsibilities in ECSE


Look !

The teacher has a central role in the education/intervention for children enrolled in early childhood special education programs. The teacher’s role and responsibilities are defined by publicly stated competencies described in the early WI State teacher certification requirements. These field validated competencies informed teacher education practices at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in the 1970's and at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire between 1981 and 2010.

The teacher’s practice, like those of each member of the interdisciplinary team, is based on the needs of the learner. These needs inform planning and implementing child centered and developmentally appropriate curriculum and instructional practices by all members of the team including the primary care givers (e.g., parents and family).


Jolyn Beeman (above) was a highly respected teacher in Janesville, WI. She served as an assistant in Project PROGRESS on the UW-Whitewater campus and was an active member of the Wisconsin Division of Early Childhood (CEC-DEC) until she died in 2003.

Descriptions of teacher roles and responsibilities

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